360° virtual tour - Cambridge Salisbury Villas
360° virtual tour - Cambridge Shaftesbury Road
360° virtual tour - Saffron Walden
About us
Baby class daily timetable
Cambridge Daily Routine
Cambridge Salisbury Villas
Cambridge Shaftesbury Road
Contact us
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Entry Requirements
Facilities Cambridge
Facilities Madingley
Facilities Saffron Walden
Fees Cambridge
Fees Saffron Walden
Forest School
Fundamental British Values
Healthy eating and menu
Image gallery
Introduction to Nursery and Early Years
Local Offer
Management Team
Meet the Team - Cambridge Salisbury Villas
Meet the Team - Cambridge Shaftesbury Road
Meet the Team - Madingley
Meet the Team - Saffron Walden
Ofsted reports
Parent Zone
Professional and caring team
Rising Three's class - daily timetable
Saffron Walden
Saffron Walden Daily Routine
Terms and Conditions
The School Day - Kindergarten and Reception
Toddler class daily timetable
Who we are
Dame Bradbury’s holiday club go on a treasure hunt!
Early years are outstanding in their nativity performance
Kindergarten build dens in Forest School
Kindergarten pupils come together to celebrate Diwali Day
Madingley Kindergarten and Reception celebrate Chinese New Year
Madingley Kindergarten and Reception perform their nativity play
New quality nursery provision for Cambridge families now open in Madingley
Pupils enjoy Forest School collaboration day
Reception delighted at Manorcourt residents visit
Reception explore fairy tales in new topic ‘Once Upon a Time’
Reception visit Saffron Walden Library
Special mission for Dame Bradbury’s reception class
Stephen Perse Foundation announces appointment of new Principal
Stephen Perse Foundation recognised in annual school awards Sunday Times East Anglia Independent Secondary School of the Decade
Stephen Perse made PPE is delivered to our key workers in the community
Stephen Perse Podcast: Ep. 20 – Learning and development from age 1