Reception explore fairy tales in new topic ‘Once Upon a Time’
During our magical launch day in Reception, we took part in 5 different activities based on ‘Once Upon A Time’.

Reception delighted at Manorcourt residents visit
The residents of Manorcourt care home came for their termly visit to Dame Bradbury’s.

Pupils enjoy Forest School collaboration day
Reception classes from City Pre-Prep, Madingley Pre-Prep and Dame Bradbury's came together on 28 November 2018 for a Forest School collaboration day.

Early years are outstanding in their nativity performance
The children in early years worked tirelessly to put together a brilliant nativity production called ‘Mary’s knitting’.

Kindergarten pupils come together to celebrate Diwali Day
Kindergarten pupils across the Foundation joined together at Madingley for a Diwali Day collaboration event and fun activities.